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Welcome to On-line Welsh Football. / Croeso i Pel-droed Cymru Ar-lein.

Welsh flag photos.
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Llanberis - Brussels 1991

Pwllheli - Ostrava 1993

Welsh Boys on Tour.


Llanberis - Liverpool 1999

Canton & Grange - Zurich 1999

Grange - Zurich 1999


Endaf Buckley - LA 2001

Ostrava 93

Clwb 1927 Llundain


Wales v Czech Rep 2002

Wales v Germany 2002

Wales v Poland 2001


Italy v Wales 2003

Russia v Wales 2003

Italy v Wales 2003


Wales v Scotland 2004

Italy v Wales 2003

2006 World Cup


Italy v Wales 2003

Italy v Wales 2003

Austria v Wales 2005




Poland v Wales 2005

Poland v Wales 2005 

Cyprus v Wales 2005  




Czech Rep v Wales 2006

David, Jenny, Amy USA 06

Welsh girls on Tour - Cyprus 07 




Paul & Mary - Cyprus 07



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