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NEWS: Gabbidon retires

Danny Gabbidon: photo linked from RETIRES
The FAW has announced that West Ham United’s Danny Gabbidon has decided to retire from International Football.

Danny won 43 international caps in a career that began with Wales in 2001/02 against the Czech Republic at the Millennium Stadium. He has been part of the defence over the last nine years under managers Mark Hughes and John Toshack.

After nine fantastic years of playing international football for Wales during which I had the honour and privilege of captaining my country, and after long consideration, I have decided to retire from international duty. On a personal note, I would like to thank the Football Association of Wales for their support over the years and I would like to thank people of Wales who supported me and my fellow team-mates at every game, home and away, giving their all to the cause - true supporters! I would also like to say a special thank you to my family, friends and management team, who have stood by me throughout the many good times and very few bad times. It has been a wonderful journey." - Danny Gabbidon

updated: Mon, 4 October, 2010 15:25 UK.







Posted: Monday 4th October 2010
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