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NEWS: Gary Speed dies

Gary Speed: photo linked from
Gary Speed has died at the age of 42.

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- Private funeral for Gary Speed

- Inquest opens into death of Gary Speed

- Gary Speed’s sister has told of her anguish at the death of her lost loved one.

The Football Association of Wales is shocked and saddened at the tragic news that National Team Manager, Gary Speed, has died.

"I, and all of the football family of Wales, am devastated by the news of Gary’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with his wife and family at this difficult time." - FAW Chief Executive, Jonathan Ford.

"I am completely shocked by this terrible news and my thoughts are with his family. We will do whatever we can as an association to help them in this difficult time. All our thoughts are with his family and this sad time. We would ask all media to leave the family to grieve in peace at this difficult time." - FAW President, Phil Pritchard.

FAW Chief Executive, Jonathan Ford, will hold a media briefing on Monday 28th November at mid-day.

Posted: Sunday 27th November 2011
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